While the end of the COVID-19 pandemic isn’t yet in sight, states around the country are in various stages of reopening.
With this reopening comes countless questions: how do I keep employees, customers and guests to my workplace safe? Do I need to change sick leave policies? What if an employee comes to work when they’re ill?
Well, you’re in luck. Our new eBook, “Getting Back to Work” is available for FREE on our website. An excerpt:
Owners, managers, workplace safety experts and HR
professionals alike are now faced with the daunting
challenge of creating a post-pandemic workplace. With
no economic precedent and limited guidance from the
government, businesses must address a dizzying array
of safety, policy, HR, operational and staffing obstacles.
With every obstacle comes opportunity.
On the following pages, we share ideas and questions for
consideration to help you responsibly, compassionately
and profitably get back to work.